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沐​血​再​臨 Bloodshed Rebefallen

by Anthelion

supported by
Abyssius Murkraken
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Abyssius Murkraken Taiwanese symphonic black metal. I first heard these guys years ago through a music video on YouTube and immediately was hooked. Highly recommended if you love Cradle of filth, (Early) Catamenia, Dimmu Borgir. Favorite track: 破魂錄 The Tome of Broken Souls.
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Dark heavens the blissful earth chokes Conquered by shadows of a thousand crows Pestilential stench, rotten corpse Befogs the forest, death-stricken Forceful will of retaliation The tender undertone of Satan Preaching of our fate and of our enemies Despising the grace of divinity Sins acute, piercing veins Bloodshed stains the iron chains Scales dark pitched, eyes gleaming green Insignia of our tribe, destiny slain Ghastly hair prolonged by hate Weaving sins, vigorous, strained This bloody pledge that we take Bleeds wisdom through the eyes of the Snake In the eyes The darker side Daystar fades Nightstar glides Argently the starlight shines Reflecting the shaft of the scythe Fear follows, blood drains Annihilation echoes in the valley's gloom Ramping thunderous, road of revenge The Dark Ride carries his headpiece lanced Gradually drawing close Devouring your peace desiring soul Dark funerals, sullen air swells The death-lake swallowed the moonlight, chilled Thirteen corpses in cerement enslaved The Sorceress whispers the Snake-god's will Sky ripping bats from under-earth soar Warriors roar a cry of war Bloodthirsty tunes they croak From the depths of hell they evoke Dark descendants This you will revive Damnation, our destiny Darkness never the light shall free Warfare will forever be Brutal tunes, torments sing Weeping angels, smoldering wings Scars innumerous incised Seizing that tear from a sorrowful eye Distorted countenance seen Forking evil, two-pointed tongues Savoring the sweetness of deathly beings Devouring innocent dreams To hell you sanctimonious souls Preposterous apostles of God I'll scorn your relentless death Beings, dirty, despicable Now is the hour you all shall die Your wretched moans shall linger Until the time your blood runs dry In gasping pain you lie Nightmares soon shall fade Soul-betrayed corpse of the Snake Disbursements for boundless power Vacuity, misery, torment, anxiety Angel who walks in the shadow of the shade In peace all shall retire This time those eyes disclose de novo Sharpness of gleaming green Scattering, slicing, swords of ray Suckling blood, slaughtering heat Tempting trap of poisonous fangs Now left everlastingly senseless The damned among the living Till eternity reconciling
光影千年輪替 戰爭永不止息
In the black of night Waves of fury rise as songs of war sound Bloodshed tunes of blood agitate the souls of the undead, The melody of haunting corpses scars through the somber sky Heads of the remnant fall Frost of blood Descend The undercurrent surges and for a thousand miles extend All it devours Into the ocean graves Tranquil is the night Colossal is the ocean Undefiled blood divulges in the boundless constellations Cursed is the snake corpse For a thousand years condemned Agglomeration The war for domain must be waged Atrocious demons wait Somber gales howl Appalling thunders sound to the battleground's pulsation. Green are the eyes of the specter Trenchant are its fangs Iron chains smother the soul until its putrid blood drains Putrid blood shall drain In the dark of night Waves of fury rise as songs as war sound Bloodshed Tunes of blood agitate the souls of the undead The melody of haunting corpses scars through the somber sky heads of the remnant fall Frost of blood descend the undercurrent surges and for a thousand miles extend all it devours Into the ocean grave Blade-Handed Angels Wings and limbs they shred Blood spurts upon the gazes green with flaring anger and killing intent A howl outrageous The arbitrator descends to war drums thunderous arrows shrill through the rolling billiows Upon the ground of risen pennants The death knell is towed A fog of blood is evoked Soleem Slaughtering Bloody war A bloodstainded cavalier towers in the nightly chill Beneath the moonlight and beyond inferno flames Enemies lie ambushed waiting to kill Sinister winds raid as convulsed currents fall Sweeping the shore is the sound of drawing swords Frigid is the blade that strikes Taking the soul Splitting oceans Cracking stones Like the silver that flushes the sky when lightening fall Released from a thousand years of torment The evil adversary descends Shaking the earth Shocking the heavens With an army of smothered souls Compelling sorrow A tear congeals Tranquil is the soul that transfigures to the dream of old With a bewildered eye Reading the story of a thousand years Striding alone in the netherworld Locks of iron strangle the soul Treading upon the beings despicable All creation bathed in blood Unfurling the inferno Beneath the crescent A bleak terror submerge With a lonesome howl of affliction Rotten corpses gather the souls Drinking hatred Nine lifetimes of bloody tears Singing of a death A departure Damnation Cloubs capsized Combat thrashes through the abyss Decapitated heads Bloodstained oceans A thousand years of hatred within a single gaze Ashen hair twirls into locks of chains Blizzard of blood Slaughtered enemies Sacrificed to concillate the souls of our ancestry The pale moon rippled upon the ocean flow A lonesome tear mourns for the ocean funeral
煙雨夜遙 空織紗 以鮮血作嫁 幽獨寰宇 孤聲泣 潸然淚下 終盡 殊絕 赭紅花葬 心凝魂瘁 崩裂 奔流動盪 離析 神傷 破落天壤 羽緞紛飛 綺變幻境 心寄花萎 今世結髮 三千星歲難解 悠長離恨賦新辭 夜飲杯 星斗降 臨虛空幽悽愴 陰風殘雨 落霜寒 凝雪妝 冥寂孤影 黔淚勾紋面 獨行浩漫銀河 形殘身穢沐血澤 破碎闖 夢蛻飄落東方 折琴流水絕弦音 還誰此傷 哀逝長眠 溺川靜默訣別 鬢髮雙斑羽翼斷 魂靈凋謝冥獄墮還 身墜萬丈寒冰 宛若荊棘戮刑 刺骨穿心 慟凝刺骨穿心 魂魄染血幽碧瞳 目空千年界幻滅 原罪我命 鏈鎖原罪終歸我命 夢殲散 異殲散 形敗殘 過落軒以葬 空滅斷 灼身滅斷 墮地怨 魂歸雲深處 負孤傷 星宿亡 喚吾之名 猶催漫天陰風懺響 夜 侵寂月 魂驟滅 喚吾之名 血嫁寰宇祭宿殤 終盡 殊絕 赭紅花葬 幽幽幻世 流離 兩相渺茫 棄世亡
幽暗森林 降雪沐冰 血色之薔薇 呼吸邪惡聲息 罪惡慾望堆積 惡魔如絞首之刑 掐喉窒息 終至死去 喪詞 立於絕望之時 日暮之後 黑暗將至 輕緩揚手雕刻墓誌 靜待氣絕 斷夢心窮棄世 霜雪飄悠 闔起死灰雙眼 幽幽嘆息 臨終絕美之詩 蒼白唇齒 顫抖輕聲悼念祝詞 閉目凝視 閃爍夜星消逝 血紅薔薇 花瓣飄落四散 凝霜凍尖刺 劃破聖潔無知 飛舞漫天 吟唱死亡之頌歌 墮地長眠於此 殘冬霜雪冰釋 毒蛇蟄伏百日 初吐蛇信 碧瞳漸明 血色幽光乍現 甦醒 冷血刺骨 獠牙劇毒 罪貫遠古憶殘 蛇麟幻蛻 潰滅心怵 傳承祖靈智慧 禁果如此甜美 棄絕 蛇骸征戰敗退 受冰封咒詛千年 沈睡 劇毒 親吻血紅薔薇 黔淚染花 腐蝕鮮豔絕美 永恆消逝凋謝 泛漣漪 銀月倒映死湖水面 再臨 百日長眠甦醒 蛇骸之主 重回故土聖地 背負原罪荊棘 喚醒沈睡記憶 殺戮嗜血 征戰宿命 黑暗長髮 餵養憎恨邪極 訂鮮血魂契 惡貫幽冥 千年鏈鎖禁錮 吾族之靈 猶記蛇神旨意 戰爭永不止息 冰雪懺 寒風催薔薇輓 刺霜凍襲 百日蟄伏漸醒憶還 號令吾族眾集 喚醒染血宿命 備征戰再起 殺聲貫天闢地 幻化神敵 率領地獄千軍 嗜血之鐮怒號 誓橫掃日辰月星 喚吾族 宿命荊棘血染 號率眾靈 凝聚再起千年征戰 鐵鎖令 祭末日幽冥 蛇骸無懼 神敵降臨 夜殲行 沐血再臨
殺戮 戰鼓急鳴響聲促 誓死追尋吾族之主 夜殲行 邪毒誅 寰宇浩劫 戮躪殘虐 凶煞惡邪 殲滅 幽冥魔殿 妖炙 焚燃黑焰 陰魂盤旋 掠奪人間 煉獄填 屠戮眾生 踐踏鄙賤至氣絕 翻湧火海現 神敵 掀起宿命之戰 殺氣衝聖界 恨還咒虐恨還滅 滅 玄海延 嘯 洶湧怒濤不絕 殂落冥界 焠鍊血魂牽 獄墮溺邪 劫 化陰孽 悚 體裂靈碎崩解 變幻妖陷 屍首堆聚結 蒼天腥風迴 顫動 身顫動 鏈魂鎖魄陰焰焦灼 變幻妖陷 屍首堆聚結 蒼天腥風迴 血雨墜 骸骨亂葬 巫妖靜穆咒祈 賜傀儡生命 腐朽凋零 劇變襲 屍靈再起 遵奉號令 戰玄天 逆行 毒沫唾液 玷污聖潔純淨 牙爪鋒利 啃食至高真理 盡其荒誕邪淫 貫穿虛無之名 深淵萬丈 末世號角吹響 日月星辰黯淡 宇宙震盪 神敵破魂 搖撼伊甸天堂 引領災難 直至滅亡 聖靈使者捍衛 怒賜疾雷 火焰之劍守護 強禦敗退 榮光照耀 武裝權柄皆歸 萬王之王位 天譴 罪無赦免
天譴炙 烽火延 焚燃日月之蝕 穿刺 怒雷飛矢 屠戮 萬惡交織 戰亂闢燎原 河川赤紅如血 山崩地裂 屍首堆疊 風雲變 暴襲 肆殘虐 血鐮煞奪命催 孤掠殺 狂灼焰 禍殃聖光剿滅 幽冥 妖氣悚 斷翼墮溺邪 魂煉 焦骨炙獄炎 幻化 再臨界 破魂 噬天 翼 蛻羽黑 魂漸醒 聚凝念 神動靈變 翅展光炫 揚 騰躍翔 空明滅 狂風捲 長嘯怒號 漫天飛旋 長恨千年 誓還仇 率軍揚塵 寰宇驟滅 神敵號令 盡其誅殺 末日決戰 滅世破天 戰 箭凝弓弦 齊發萬千 血雨碧落 流向黃泉 振翼罪孽 慟殺天闕 破魂悽怨 永葬寰宇之間 吾族宿命 謹記祖靈遺言 毀滅權柄冠冕 討還咒詛鎖鏈
罪亙遠古 暴屍橫遍 炙邪衝焦土 永火煉獄 屠殺九野 滅魂貫參天 惡催刮骨腥風 血染星辰降 山洪聚殲暴殘響 赤紅日暮揚 怒雷踏碎 混沌震盪 擊山川海嶽 土崩石裂 悲鳴 浪捲海嘯洪水劫 蛇骸毀地滅天 幽冥呈妖祥 末日降臨 眾惡奉行 攻蒼穹逆麟 黑闇襲 吐納死亡聲息 嗅極邪 侵暴行凶虐 陰官咒 神祈祭 貫惡驚心 獻蒼生奠玄冥 殘殺無盡 怵目戮躪 碧海乾涸豐血澤 色映月陰 手握權柄日月星 破碎墜地 跪拜七頭十角之獸 乞求憐憫 征戰聖地 踐踏迫害神之子民 褻瀆聖父聖子聖靈 摧毀虛無三位一體 幽冥國度旗幟揚起 主宰降臨 再創世紀 七宗罪殲滅卑祈 在這裡有智慧,凡有聰明的, 可以算計獸的數目 因為這是人的數目,他的數目是六百六十六。 生命之樹乾枯凋零 善惡果實絕命喚醒 伊甸祭 光影千年輪替 戰爭永不止息 神敵降臨 行末日審判 受烙刑 背負獸之印記 躲藏於敗腐之地 隱含墮落 邪惡交織神啟 從死裡復活 從活裡死去 啃噬祢骨中血肉 獸之名得應許 卑賤貪婪尋永生 信神必得勝? 毀滅榮耀恩典 領入第七日黑色安息 歡述吟唱讚美詩 黑暗天使 悲述悼念滅世詞 幽冥安息日 神敵滅世 主宰寰宇 三千年統治 蛇骸之咒 蛻破重生 幻滅太陰蝕 鏈鎖魂魄 斷禁回 九命同歸 登基王位


released November 1, 2010


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